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Miss Mollie Makes "MMM"


This lesson will help children identify /m/, the phoneme represented by m.

 Students will learn to recognize /m/ in spoken words by learning a sound analogy (rubbing belly) and the letter symbol M, practice finding /m/ in words, and apply phoneme awareness with /m/ in phonetic cue reading by distinguishing rhyming words from beginning letters.


  • chart with Miss Mollie Makes m

  • primary paper and pencil

  • m&ms

  • Dr. Seuss's ABC

  • M worksheet




Say: Our language is full of words that like to trick you! The trick is to learn what sounds each letter makes. Today we are going to try to spot the mouth moves for /m/. We spell /m/ with the letter m. We say /m/ when we eat something yummy!


Lets pretend you just ate your favorite food! Close your eyes, rub your belly, and say /m/. Do you notice what your mouth is doing when you say /m/? When we say /m/ we press our lips together and hum!


Let me show you how to find /m/ in the word hamburger. I'm going to say hamburger in super slow motion and I want you to listen for when you hear the yummy /m/. H-h-a-a-a-m-m-m-b-u-u-r-r-g-e-e-r-r. There it was! I felt my lips press together in hamburger! The yummy /m/ is in hamburger!


Now lets try a tongue tickler (on chart). Miss Mollie makes many munchie meals. My mother Mary must taste my meals. Mother Mary munches so many meals, she needs medicine for her mad tummy. Here is our tongue tickler: "Miss Mollie makes many munchie meals". Lets all say that 3 times together! Now say it again and stretch the /m/ at the beginning of the words. "mmmmiss mmmollie mmmakes mmmany mmmunchie mmmeals". Now lets try it again, but this time, break the /m/ off of the words. /m/iss /m/ollie /m/akes /m/any /m/unchie /m/eals


Alright! Now lets take out your primary paper and a pencil. We use letter m to spell /m/. Capital M looks like two mountain peaks! Lowercase m looks like two humps side by side. Lets write the letter m! Start below the fence and go up until you hit the fence, then curve it half way down, then curve it back to the fence, then go all the way back down! That is how you write m! I want to see everyone's m! Once I put a smiley face on your paper, I want you to write 9 more just like it!


Now I am going to say two foods, when I call on you, I want you to tell me what word you hear the yummy /m/ in. If you get it right, you get an m&m! Do you hear /m/ in milkshake or carrot? broccoli or icecream? ketchup or mustard? tomato or egg? ham or lettuce? lemon or pizza? Now lets see if you can spot the mouth move /m/ in these words. Rub your belly if you hear /m/. mom? dog? mac and cheese? 


Lets look at Dr. Seuss's ABC book. He tells us about some mighty mice that are making music! (Read page 30 and draw out /m/). Can you think of any other words that start with /m/? I want you to think of a food that starts with the letter m. I want you to write the food you though of and then draw me a picture of the food above it! When you're done, bring it to me so I can hang it up!  


Show MAD and model how to tell if it is mad or sad. The M tells me to rub my belly, /m/, so this word is mmmad mad! Now you try! MIX mix or fix? MARK bark or mark? MAKE make or take 


Pass out worksheet. Have students color in the words that start with M


Letter M.jpg
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